
For Immediate Release
March 25, 2021

Additional funding for the “Fraser Valley Artisans Food Hub”

ABBOTSFORD – The B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries is investing an additional $ 50,000 into the Fraser Valley Artisans Food Hub to purchase additional technology to support access to the shared-use training kitchen and facilities. This investment is in addition to the $750,000 previously announced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries to purchase equipment and cover other start-up costs for the Fraser Valley Artisans Food Hub.

Stephen Evans, Executive Director of Mission Community Skills Centre Society. stated, “the Food Hub will help small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) access food related business planning and training services, including resources to help connect with nutrition, traceability, and local small business financing. Information related to packing options, product development, social media, resource lists for equipment suppliers, distribution and grants and contributions for ag-food SMEs will also be available. Foodies can also use a shared-use tasting kitchen to increase their product development and better commercialize their business concepts.

Mission Community Skills Centre Society is also pleased to announce the formation of a separate legal entity called, the Fraser Valley Artisans Food Hub Inc. Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries and the District of Mission, the Fraser Valley Artisans Food Hub Inc. is an important opportunity for local “foodies”, including Chiefs, those involved in the food industry.

“The Fraser Valley is a significant agricultural region in our province with farms of all sizes growing, raising and harvesting food for British Columbians,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. “We’re excited to be supporting the new Fraser Valley Food Hub which will help more farmers and food producers add value to their products, leading to a more resilient food system in B.C.”

Participants within the local food hub network can become owner/operators, users, and/or service providers of the Regional Food Hub. “If you wish to be a part of something new and exciting within the Fraser Valley food scene, please feel free to connect directly with the Fraser Valley Artisans Food Hub Inc.”, said Josie Van Patter, Food Hub Manager.

For More Information Contact:
Josie Van Patter, Manager
Fraser Valley Artisans Food Hub Inc.
(604) 826 – 0626
Email: JVanPatter@missioncsc.org
Website: www.fraservalleyartisansfoodhub.com