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Our Programs

Learn how we can help you achieve your goals

Our Programs

Mission Community Skills Centre Society offers a number of services to business, including wage subsidy, unpaid work experience, skills training, entrepreneurial development, job and career fair planning and economic development supports. In keeping with these services, we currently provide employment assisted services to job seekers and employers through the Express to Succe$$ Agri-Food and Beverage Processing in Mission and Langley and the MYST – Manufacturing Youth Skills Training in Abbotsford.

Click below for more information on each of these programs.

Express to Success

For Young Adults
Job Search & Employment

Click for details

Food Skills BC

For Young Adults and Newcomers to Canada
Job Search & Employment

Click for details

Partner Programs

Mission Community Skills Centre Society works with a number of partners in the delivery of programs. Some of our partners also have great learning opportunities that compliment our mandate. Here is a small selection of those programs.

Click below for more information on each of these programs.

Venture-Capital Ready (SSFPA)

Click for details

Food Business Planning by Farm Food Drink
(External Link)

Click for details

Micro-certificate in Food Safety Management

Click for details

Are you an Employer?

We have programs and services to help you find great employees. Connect with us today for more information.

Community Development

The United Nations defines community development as “a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems.” It is a broad term given to the practices of civic leaders, activists, involved citizens and professionals to improve various aspects of communities, typically aiming to build stronger and more resilient local communities. Mission Community Skills Centre Society works with various communities and stakeholders to help find solutions to local problems while engaging the broader community. If you belong to a community group or agency and are in need of expertise in the field of community development, Mission Community Skills Centre Society can connect you to its network of specialists and service providers to assist with your project.


Mission Community Skills Centre Society is made up of exceptional staff and an experienced Board of Directors. Mission Community Skills Centre Society is a community-based resource dedicated to helping people improve their employability through quality services and training as defined by our clients. If your organization, staff or management would benefit from a local mentor, give us a call. With over 20 years of experience in the fields of social enterprise, adult education, labour market support measures, and business development, our team can help facilitate supports at any level.

Organizational Development

Mission Community Skills Centre Society has several experts, at the management level, available to assist your organization reach the next level. From business development, strategic planning to human resource management, let Mission Community Skills Centre Society work with you on your organizational development needs.

Access Funding and Supports

Mission Community Skills Centre Society has been delivering skills training initiatives since its inception. The Society has extensive experience and technical know-how in terms of accessing various government funding programs, including parameters and eligibilities. One such program is the Canada-B.C. Job Grant (CJG). The CJG is an employer-driven, cost-sharing program that helps employers invest in training for their current or future employees. The CJG assists eligible employers to offset the cost of training up to a maximum of $10,000 per participant per fiscal year, and up to a maximum of $15,000 per participant per fiscal year for the Unemployed Stream. The goals of the CJG are to increase participation of British Columbians in the labour force by helping them develop the skills they need to find and keep a job. Need help accessing the CJG, or any government training support measure, please contact Mission Community Skills Centre Society.

Proposal Writing

Mission Community Skills Centre Society has successfully funded its own operation, for more than 20 years, through its work as an expert in proposal writing and project based management. Being an expert in project based planning and proposal writing, means you have access to our systems and tools necessary for your businesses and/or not-for-profit agency to gain long-term success. Mission Community Skills Centre Society receives no core funding and is completely dependent on its own internal proposal writing tools to sustain itself. Let us help show you the way!

Social Enterprise

Understanding what a Social Enterprise can become is paramount to working within the field. According to Wikipedia, a social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being—this may include maximizing social impact alongside profits for external shareholders. Social enterprises can be structured as a for-profit or non-profit, and may take the form of a co-operative, mutual organization, a disregarded entity, a social business, a benefit corporation, a community interest company or a charity organization. They can also take more conventional structures. What differentiates social enterprises is that their social mission is as core to their success as any potential profit. Mission Community Skills Centre Society itself is a social enterprise. The Skills Centre offers a number of services to support the development of social enterprises including financial management, project management, proposal writing and an overview of grants and contributions.

Get in Touch

Whether you are looking to hire your next great employee, or want to get the skills you need for the job market, we are here to help. Contact us today!