Food Skills BC For Newcomers Program Application Form

In order for us to be able to get to know you and support you, please answer all of the following questions. When you have completed the form, you will be asked to sign it digitally. When you sign and submit the form, it will send you a copy for your records.

We will follow up regarding your application via email within 72 hours.
Please check your email (including your spam/junk folders) regularly. 

Food Skills BC For Newcomers Application Form

General Information

Name you go by
Do you have a permanent Social Insurance Number?

Thank you for being interested in Food Skills BC. Unfortunately, you must have a permanent Social Insurance Number to be eligible. 

Please contact your local settlement services for further employment assistance.

Find your local office at WELCOME BC

If your Social Insurance Number starts with a number "9" (Example: 900 123 123) it is not a permanent number and you should check "No".

To attend Food Skills BC, you must have a permanent Social Insurance Number. Unfortunately we are not permitted to make exceptions. If you do not have a permanent number, please contact your local settlement office for further employment assistance.

Find your local office at WELCOME BC

When you complete Food Skills BC program, what work are you committed to pursuing?

Personal Information

I am indigenous *
How would you describe your current employment status? Check all that apply.

I understand that this program is funded by the Government of Canada and that Mission Community Skills Centre Society must report in its activities. I hereby consent that staff of the Society can share information about my participation in the program with the funder.