Food Hub Work Experience Program Application Form

In order for us to be able to get to know you and support you, please answer all of the following questions. When you have completed the form, you will be asked to sign it digitally. When you sign and submit the form, it will send you a copy for your records.

We will follow up regarding your application via email within 72 hours.
Please check your email (including your spam/junk folders) regularly. 

Food Hub Work Experience Application
What Food Hub are you applying for?

General Information

How did you hear about our services? *
Are you currently registered with WorkBC? *
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name


What is your status? *
Gender *
Do you consider yourself a Person with a Disability? *
Do you identify yourself as a Visible Minority? *
Do you identify yourself as an Aboriginal Person? *
If you identify as an Aboriginal Person, are you:
If you identify as an Aboriginal Person, where do you live?
Are you registered as a status Indian under the Indian Act of Canada?
Did you immigrate to Canada? *
Are you a refugee? *
The language you speak and understand the best is? *
Are you a parent with children under the age of 19 living at home? *
If yes, are you a single parent?
Are you currently a direct caregiver of a senior? *


Are you currently? *
If employed, what is your average weekly hours:
Average hourly wage:
What is your employment type:
Are you an apprentice?

Employment Insurance Information and Income Information

Are you employment insurance (EI) eligible? *
Have you received or are you receiving employment insurance benefits? *
Were these maternal/paternal benefits? *
What is your current source of income? *

Employment History

How long have you spent in stable work in the last 5 years? *


What kind of transportation do you use? *
Do you have a current driver’s license? *

Education and Training

What is your highest level of education achieved? *

Employment History

If you have been employed in the past, please complete this section, starting with your most recent job first.


To add another employer, click on the "Add" link below.

My Readiness to Work

Are you currently looking for work? *
What type of work are you looking for?
Are there jobs in this type of work?
Do you have the skills needed to get and keep a job? *
Do you know how and where to look for work? *
Do you perform well in job interviews? *
Do you have employer references? *
Do you have reliable transportation (e.g. car, bus)? *

Program Goals

In what areas of job preparation/employment training would you like to have more assistance? *
Are you bondable? *
Are you seeking: *
What communities are you available for work in? *
Can you make a full-time commitment to this program? *
Are you under court order to restriction that might prevent full class attendance and/or work attendance? *

Send Us Your Resume

Please provide us with a copy of your resume, if you have one.

Send Us Your Resume

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please sign this form

By signing below, you agree that all the information on this form is correct to the best of your knowledge.