How old are you?
General Information
If YES, please identify the name of your Case Manager
When did you last meet with your Case Manager?
Mailing Address
Postal Code
Daytime Phone
Alternate Phone
If yes, what year did you immigrate?
If yes, in what year were you accepted as a refugee into Canada?
If "Other", please specify
What other languages do you speak?
If "Other", please specify
What is your occupation?
Employment Insurance Information and Income Information
If "Income Assistance", for how long?
Secondary Income
Other Income
Employment History
If "Other", please specify
Education and Training
Which high school did you attend?
Name of last school you attended
City of last school you attended
Employment History
My Readiness to Work
If yes, what type of work are you looking for?
Program Goals
What are your goals for the Small Scale Food Processor Ag-Food Entrepreneur/Supervisor program?
Do you have any special program needs? If yes, please provide more information.
What is the salary or wage that you are willing to work for?
When are you available to work?
What is your desired career upon program completion?
What are the required skills for this job?
What might prevent you from regular, punctual attendance?
If yes, please explain:
If you are human, leave this field blank.